Friday, November 1, 2019

The Negatives involved in the Afordable Care Act Essay

The Negatives involved in the Afordable Care Act - Essay Example Still in the same front of Affordable Care Act, many Americans tend to lose their previous health insurance which also leads to increase their premiums for individual coverage (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act, 2010). In addition, to further adverse impacts generated by Obama health act is that business expansion became difficult due to employees working hours cut down. This is immensely contributed by employers are liable to provide health insurance to their employees this leading to reduce big business with permanent employees to small business with fewer permanent employees and others being part time employees (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act, 2010). According wall street journal the insurance plan under Obamacare has sternly limited residence of America, fewer options in regards to the preferred doctors and medical care. Obamacare tend to pay doctors a lot than any sort of coverage hence causing to multifarious tribulations with this scheme which is leading to rise in costs of the health care for every individual to afford (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act,

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