Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assessment Tool Analysis

Assessment Tool Analysis NUR/440 Assessment Tool Analysis Nursing has evolved throughout the years to become more than a job, it is a profession. Jean Watson developed her own theory in the late 1970s because she believes there was something missing from the profession. Jean Watson believes that nursing is a profession that allows the caregiver and the person cared for an opportunity to provide care on a basis that involves the mind, body, and spirit, which are the three parts of being. Watson’s carative factors allow the nurse and patient to relate on a more personal level.These carative factors are used as a guide for providing nursing care. To name but a few, they are: Faith/Hope: â€Å"being authentically present, and enabling and sustaining the deep belief system and subjective life world of self and the one-being-cared-for† (Carative factors, 2003, p. 51). Expressing positive and negative feelings: â€Å"being present to, and supportive of, the expression of posi tive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit of self and the one-being-cared-for† (Carative factors, 2003, p. 51).Sensitivity to self and others: â€Å"cultivation of one’s own spiritual practices and transpersonal self, going beyond ego self, opening to others with sensitivity and compassion† (Carative factors, 2003, p. 51). Existential-Phenomenological-Spiritual forces: â€Å"opening and attending to spiritual-mysterious and existential dimensions of one’s own life-death; soul care for self and the one-being-cared-for† (Carative factors, 2003, p. 51). There are several tools that assist health care providers in the assessment process.One tool is the Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (CRIS). â€Å"CRIS is designed to measure a person’s coping resources, including personal behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, in addition to physical being† (Weinberg, 2012, para. 1). The CRIS scale has been valid when predicting illne sses, distress, and satisfaction. The inventory is made up of several hundred questions, which are broken down into several categories and can be time consuming. This scale can be used on any population but results are not easily attained without specific equipment.This inventory can be taken by anyone who is at a seventh grade level or higher. According to Weinberg (2012), the user cannot gain information or understand about scales’ item content as a basis for learning about the meaning of each scale score (Coping Resources Inventory for Stress, para. 10). This assessment tool would not be beneficial to a nurse in a hospital setting. The Derogatis Stress Profile (DSP) is also another assessment tool. It is a â€Å"multidimensional psychological self-report scale which serves as a screening and outcome measure of stress† (Shirley, 2012, para. ). The DSP is in the form of a questionnaire and is easily given. This tool can be used on any population and the validity of th e test is questionable, but more research should be obtained. There is a manual for using this tool, but the reliability is not available. The DSP would be better used for study and research projects rather than an assessment guide for nurses. The third tool is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). â€Å"The PSS is not a diagnostic instrument, but it is proposed to make comparisons between individuals’ perceived stress related to current, objective events.The higher the degree of PSS score indicates the higher risk factor for some disorders† (Al kalaldeh & Abu Shosha, 2012, p. 45). This test should be given to a population with a high school education at least. It also can be given to any population group. This test can be taken in minutes and is easy to score and make a determination. This test appears to be valid and is not costly. This would be a helpful assessment tool for nurses in a hospital setting. These three tools can help determine stressors and their levels in the Hispanic population.The PSS would be the more convenient choice for a quick glance at current stressors in patient’s daily living. The nurse would have instant scores, versus the DSP and CRIS, which take longer to take and receive scores. The nurse would better be able to address patient concerns and modify the plan of care according to the patients needs. We as nurses do reflect on experiences as we interact with our patients daily. It is crucial to sympathize with the patient to give the patient what he or she needs, whether it be listening, educating, or just holding hands.Subjective and objective data are very important in maintaining a nurse/patient relationship. Allowing the patient to hope and encourage them to reach out to others makes a difference in their state of wellbeing. Health care professionals have realized how important the unity of the body, mind, and spirit are to the healing process. All three determine the sense of wellness that a patient feels when all are in harmony with each other. Watson believes that if we can connect with our patients on a personal level and be able to reflect on the patient’s feelings, then we are capable of providing care.Nursing is much more than administering medications, making sure the patient has eaten and is clean and dry. Nurses have to provide a deeper side of their self to be successful in reaching all of the patient’s needs. As a nurse, I believe that by following Watson’s theory, this allows others to see what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how they can make necessary changes to become a caring healthcare provider. I have learned in my own career as a nurse that by not opening up and willing to care for the whole being, I am acting as a robot with no feeling.I have seen how my patients open up and am more relaxed when they can sense genuine care from me. When I am conscious of how I am feeling and how I am responding to my patient, I can provide a more caring att itude. It is important to be aware of my surroundings and consider my patient’s feelings of his or her environment. Watson challenges the health care providers to examine their self. She encourages nurses to reflect on our own humanity and spirituality. The transpersonal caring allows healthcare providers the ability to look into oneself and reflect upon.The Caring moments allows the health care provider to be on the same level as the one being cared for. Encouraging one-self to look at every aspect of providing care can make nursing a rewarding profession. References: Al kalaldeh, M. T. , & Abu Shosha, G. M. (2012, July). Application of The Perceived Stress Scale In Health Care Studies. International Journal of Acaemic Research, 4(4), Cara, C. (2003). A Pragmatic View. International Journal for Human Caring, 7(3), 51. Retrieved  from  http://ehis. bscohost. com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=4&hid=3&sid=9d27d7da-2ca9-43f3-a9b9-b2942816f737%40sessionmgr4 Shirley, M. C. (2 012, Month Day). Derogatis Stress Profile. Mental Measurements Yearbook. Retrieved from http://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/detail? sid=1cf3c146-2540-421a-9d73-9962c69118c1%40sessionmgr115&vid=34&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d Weinberg, S. L. (2012, Month Day). Coping Resources Inventory for Stress. Mental Measurements Yearbook. Retrieved from

Principles of accounts Essay

1. Explain the concept of accounting; concept of â€Å"Accounting† and â€Å"Principles of Accounting† 2. State the purpose of accounting; Accounting as a business practice – the purpose of Accounting. 3. Identify the users of accounting information; Internal and external users Accounting information and their needs 4. Outline the distinguishing features of various types of business organizations; Types of business organizations: (i) Sole-Traders (ii) Partnerships (iii) Corporations (Limited Liability companies) (iv) Cooperatives (v) Non-Profit Organizations 5. Identify the main financial statements prepared by various business organizations; Financial Statements – Income statement, Trading and Profit & Loss A/C, Income and Expenditure A/C, Balance sheets, Cash Flow Statements. (Teachers are not expected to teach how to prepare the cash flow statements but it should be identified as one of the financial statements which must be prepared by corporations). 6. Describe the accounting cycle; The Accounting cycle with its diagrammatic representation. 7. Outline the concepts and conventions that guide the accounting process; Accounting concepts and conventions – principles which guide the accounting process: accrual and matching concept; prudence (conservation) concept; consistency concept; separate entity concept. 8. Assess the role and impact of technology on the accounting process; (a) accounting processes which could be readily preformed by the use of the computer, for example: payroll, stock control, debtors’ and creditors’ schedules. (b) What are the software currently being used in Accounting e.g. Peachtree, SimplyAccounting (c) Advantages and disadvantages of using the computer in accounting. CXC CSEC Principles of Accounts Exam Guide Section 1: Introduction to Principles of Accounts SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The students should be able to: CONTENT 1. Explain the concept of accounting; concept of â€Å"Accounting† and â€Å"Principles of Accounting† 2. State the purpose of accounting; Accounting as a business practice – the purpose of Accounting. 3. Identify the users of accounting information; Internal and external users Accounting information and their needs 4. Outline the distinguishing features of various types of business organizations; Types of business organizations: (i) Sole-Traders (ii) Partnerships (iii) Corporations (Limited Liability companies) (iv) Cooperatives (v) Non-Profit Organizations 5. Identify the main financial statements prepared by various business organizations; Financial Statements – Income statement, Trading and Profit & Loss A/C, Income and Expenditure A/C, Balance sheets, Cash Flow Statements. (Teachers are not expected to teach how to prepare the cash flow statements but it should be identified as one of the financial statements which must be prepared by corporations). 6. Describe the accounting cycle; The Accounting cycle with its diagrammatic representation. 7. Outline the concepts and conventions that guide the accounting process; Accounting concepts and conventions – principles which guide the accounting process: accrual and matching concept; prudence (conservation) concept; consistency concept; separate entity concept. 8. Assess the role and impact of technology on the accounting process; (a) accounting processes which could be readily preformed by the use of the computer, for example: payroll, stock control, debtors’ and creditors’ schedules. (b) What are the software currently being used in Accounting e.g. Peachtree, SimplyAccounting (c) Advantages and disadvantages of using the computer in accounting.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare two or more poems that convey different impressions about town life Essay

Compare two or more poems that convey different impressions about town life. Compare their purposes and techniques in writing these poems. In this essay I will analyse and discuss the similarities and differences of four poems, all about relating to life in London: ‘Symphony In Yellow’ by Oscar Wilde, ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ by William Wordsworth, ‘London’ by William Blake, and ‘Conveyancing’ by Thomas Hood. I will aim to focus on the techniques used by the poets and the overall effect the poet is trying to create. I will later illustrate the similarities and differences between the poems and how they convey comparable impressions of London. In the late 18th and 19th century, the country life was seen to be peaceful and calm, and London in general was seen as a busy and hectic atmosphere. Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 and grew up in an intellectually bustling Irish household. His inspirations of London came when he visited the city, in order of fulfilling his dream of becoming famous. I would expect an idealistic impression of London from Wilde, as he looks up upon London and believes that it is the place in which he will gain a successful career. William Wordsworth was brought up in the Lake District where he became extremely familiar of the exquisiteness of the surroundings. In his poems, I would expect Wordsworth to revolve around nature and to capture the inner beauty that the environment creates. William Blake was an imaginative poet who had visionary experiences for the supernatural. I expect that in his poems, the images created would be of an abnormal presence or enclosing a lack of liveliness and presenting a disturbed situation. Thomas Hood was brought up in a part of London which was not so wealthy, and where the citizens were not as well off than other parts of London. Later in his life, he was left to roam the streets of London, a time when he spent most of his life in solitary. This leads to me believing that Hood would write his poems about the different areas of the city, and what London basically comprises of. Also, I think believe that his poetry would have meaning that links in with the passing of time, as Hood spent a lot of his life watching the time go by. ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802’ is a petrachan sonnet, not written about love, but one in which eulogises the view over West Minster Bridge. William Wordsworth is describing the view because he is inspired it and the feelings surrounding the beauty of the view. It is similar to ‘Symphony in Yellow’ because it is an idealistic view of the surroundings; it also has a beautiful, tranquil impression of city life. The poem is set in the early morning, which gives a special sort of radiance to the city. It gives an impression of a clean and refreshed setting that is virtually seen as shiny and new. It beauty is enhanced by introducing the dazzling sun. The poem is different to ‘Conveyancing’ as it is more peaceful and calming. Later in the day it would be more tense, more rushing, and lots of hustle and bustle. Wordsworth’s impression is based on London at a time of the morning where everything is asleep, and the time when nature invades a man-made scene. He uses antiquated words such as, â€Å"doth,† and â€Å"ne-er† which gives a sense of the city being more special, â€Å"The city now doth.† Wordsworth also uses similes such as, â€Å"like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning,† suggests that the morning is the striking part, like a garment cloaking the reality of the city. It is a covering, a beautiful faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade that is only temporary while the morning lasts. The word â€Å"steep† means to be saturated in. The sun is completely saturating the hill; never did it more beautifully shine until it shone onto the buildings. The power of the sun if infusing all buildings with light. The effect given is that of the sheer radiance of sun, which is saturating everything. The metaphor, â€Å"That mighty heart† relates towards the human body; the heart, being the main organ, is at the centre. The heart pumps resources around and therefore gives life and feeds the rest of the city. Everything centres around the city, while country is a life-giving organ. â€Å"Touching and majesty†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ in line 3 suggests awe and wonder, the poet is emotionally moved by the sight. It is a graceful and elegant sight that holds certain power that allows it to come across as commanding and reveal an impressive nature. It is to be looked upon, and it forces you to be humble upon its present. â€Å"The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie.† This list helps to construct the landscape as well as to create an image of all the buildings in the distant. It fills in the reader’s knowledge of the actual physical features that lay in the city, which help to understand the overall image created by filling in more detail to it. â€Å"Bright and glittering† implies a sense that the buildings are treasures, like jewels all glittering as the sun is shimmering through. â€Å"Never did sun more beautifully steep† contains alliteration, which produces sibilant sounds. This contributes to a tranquil feeling, certainly not an aggressive sound. It creates a restful atmosphere, and with the aid of soft consonants such as ‘s’ a smooth dreamy effect is created. â€Å"Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!† This repetition disrupts the flow and draws attention to the fine feeling he has. Quite a spontaneous feeling is illustrated by adding as it goes along; it is a personal attempt to record feelings. â€Å"The river glideth at his own sweet will,† is a form of personification that infuses the river with a sense of life. The personality of the river is amiable and sweet natured, it is a sentimental way of making it a positive feature. â€Å"Dear God!† The abrupt exclamation jolts the poem in attempt to suddenly articulate his feelings. It is quite a conversational line that recreates the experience of personal thought and emotion. The poem ‘Conveyancing’ is a ballad that uses comedy to portray a bustling picture of life in London. Conveyancing is a general term for ‘moving things from one place to another,’ which is exactly what this poem is about. It is a ballad, which tells a story, and is characterized by stanzas of four lines that rhyme alternately. The poem has a regular rhythm/rhyme scheme throughout, and regular syllables to help people sing it fluently. It is a version of a comedy poem with a punch that portrays London as a place of trade, poverty and stealing. The word â€Å"Bustling† suggests light-hearted action. Hood is being affectionate towards London but critical also, â€Å"no one ever stops.† It suggests that the city is too busy, and life is always on the go, â€Å"loco-motion!† â€Å"Machine or man, or caravan,† implies that people are always busy making and taking money. It also means that you can practically have anything if you pay for it. There is a lot of mention about the actual people in the city, and what happens in their life. Also, how they make an impact on how the city looks at a stereotypical perspective. There is talk about gambling, people getting drunk, and journalists. There are also jokes about horses being out of condition, â€Å"Then if you like a single horse, This age is quite a cab-age.† This suggests the poverty and scarcity in the city. â€Å"Perched up to behind, at last to find, Your dinner is all dickey!† This is being critical of the cafes in London, and also of the standard of food that is served there. There is a satirical tone that is brought in throughout the poem, whence the positive and negative aspects are shown. Some of the words are italicised, this defines a certain emphasis on words that create a constant rhythm going. There are a lot of references to transport such as steam, train and horses. This adds to the impression of a fast-paced moving environment. ‘Symphony in Yellow’ is a poem where Wilde picks out dimensions of a scene that he is describing. There is far less activity in this poem than ‘Conveyancing,’ and more of a tranquil atmosphere. The humans are not dominant impressions unlike ‘Conveyancing.’ ‘Symphony in Yellow’ is more about the nature and the soothing tone of the country. â€Å"Crawls like a yellow butterfly,† is associating with meadows and peace. It adds to the calm and relaxed mood of the poem. â€Å"The thick fog hangs along the quay.† This quote shows the fact that for is not just described as a dismal and depressing feature, but as elegant and enhancing. There are signs of trees and vegetation, â€Å"The yellow leaves begin to fade.† Also, â€Å"And flutter from the Temple elms.† Again, this enhances the nature prospect and the beauty of the poem. â€Å"Pale green Thames,† is another dazzling luxury, which brings colour to the scene. Wilde’s ‘Symphony in Yellow’ is a simple image-based soporyphic poem. It is written in a very idealistic motion, painting a misleading portrait. It is more artistic that accurate. The poem is rather like ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802’ as it is an idealistic view of London, taking into account the nature and character of the city instead of focusing on man-made features.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Implications of Security on the Internet Essay

Business Implications of Security on the Internet - Essay Example Loss of revenue is one of the major business implications of security on the internet. Lack of internet security can lead to loss of revenue in two main ways. Firstly, if the internet server that a business uses is compromised, hackers can (in most cases) gain access to the businesses financial information. Such information can be used to pilfer business funds and this leads to loss of revenue. Secondly, in cases where businesses rely a great deal on the internet and use e-commerce sites to sell their goods/services, a compromised internet network or site automatically leads to loss of revenue since such a site is rendered inoperable and consumers are not able to access the site (Ringwelski, 2010). There has also been loss of productivity on human personnel because of internet security measures taken by company. Due to the rise of internet security breaches, businesses may be forced to implement certain measures that ultimately lower all their employees’ productivity. For inst ance, employees may be asked to conduct various security checks before accessing the internet and this may be time consuming and lower productivity. Another major repercussion of internet security on businesses is the potential risk of the businesses reputation being damaged. In cases, where a business’s internet security is breached, hackers can damage the company’s reputation by posting false information about the company on the compromised site, or stealing the information of the company’s clients. For most businesses, this risk can be even more debilitating than the loss of business revenue. This is because while a business may recover from a loss of revenue, a damaged reputation can cause customers, investors and shareholders to lose faith in the business and withdraw their support. The loss of such support often leads to the collapse of the business (Shoniregun, 2005). Evidently, implications such as the ones discussed herein can lead to businesses being d amaged extensively. For these reasons, different businesses have devised various solutions to deal with internet security. For instance, some companies have developed information-sharing partnerships with various government agencies. Such partnerships enable companies to rely on the government’s law enforcement abilities to detect and prevent breaches in their internet security. In such partnerships, businesses rely on government law agencies to provide them with any information that can improve their internet security and the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compare and contrast Confucius and Zhuangzi Essay

Compare and contrast Confucius and Zhuangzi - Essay Example The Confucian school of thought in the 5th century B.C. laid the groundwork for the codification and compression of the various strands of Chinese thought into a coherent and accessible whole. Confucius also paved the way for the proper codification of the culture prevalent during his time. The Ethics taught by Confucius is considered by many as a kind of virtue ethics, where the behavior of people are procured by witnessing living examples instead of just following rules that teach behavior. Confucius was born in 521 B.C. into an aristocratic family of a lower order of impoverished knights. He lived during the second half of the Zhou dynasty (1027-256 B.C.) a period of constant civil strife, when feudalism had broken down, and there was a breakdown of government machinery and moral standards had become lax. Confucius was determined to remedy the situation and believed that the only way of doing it, was to go back to the days of antiquity and follow the principles and precepts set out by the wise men of the time. Armed with this determination and backed by the knowledge of the wise of yore, Confucius set up a school. Confucius’ philosophy was centered on humanism and he stressed upon the free will of individuals. Zhuangzhi, also known as Chuang Tzu, is another great Chinese thinker whose writing has a more philosophical tone, albeit it also stresses on what Confucius taught. Both thinkers laid great emphasis on the idea of Dao and De. Dao is the monistic theory that is responsible for the spontaneity that is found in all phenomena, while De or the â€Å"Inner Power† is the manifestation of these phenomena. It is the inherent power in an individual that can be built by practice and lead to a better life. As humans engage in cultivating their inner selves, it creates a ripple effect, and soon the results of the enlightened human are felt by the social and political system. Thomas Berry says

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Essay style Why has the European Union been particularly active in its

Style Why has the European Union been particularly active in its employment anti-discrimination measures Set out the ma - Essay Example The diverse nature of conflicts within the European requires some form of moderation in order to achieve a level playing ground that can effectively lead towards the attainment of the shared goals (Salama & Council of Europe 2011, p. 121). The EU membership comprises of countries that speak different languages, which imply different cultures and worldviews. Some of the countries have had some historical challenges that could threaten the harmonious coexistence within the Union. Concerns over the possible dominance of some countries over others and presumed imbalances in various aspects of life such as business, global influence, and resources have fueled concerns of prejudice, preferential treatment, and discrimination within the union. It is because of this that the EU endeavors to enhance its operations in ways that foster unity and balance among member countries. Discrimination is largely a factor of competitive advantage (European Commission, 2008, p. 65). Discrimination is most likely to occur in conditions where many nationalities come together towards the attainment of certain objectives. Internal competitions and power struggles will tend to surface in ways that make it problematic for countries to articulate their concerns more effectively. The constituent members within the Union seek the attainment of certain political goals, social goals, and economic goals. The reality of discrimination places a direct hurdle towards the attainment of these goals. Tendencies of cultural supremacy and fears of cultural inferiority have, in the past, slowed down the integration of the EU members. Some countries have expressed reservations that the current operational climate is skewed in favor of particular countries (Corry, 1996). Internal differences between Anglophone members of the EU and other countries have led to fears of discrimination, which are because some countries are likely to benefit from undue advantage over others. It is for this reason that the EU s ought to draft specific legislations that provide sufficient safeguards against the possibility of lapsing into acts of discrimination based on language, culture, or country of origin (Fella & Ruzza, 2012, p. 40). These specific safeguards are meant to assure the member countries of fairness in the treatment of their citizens and countries in terms of certain benefits that relate to the specific issues that connect with the mutual interests that connect with the union. Discrimination usually imposes structural and systematic obstacles to the victims (Kahn, 2008). It curves out a system that provides privileges to some people or groups while subjecting others under unfair treatments. On this score, the EU sought to prevent the possibility of discrimination, as a way of encouraging the full participation and impartial treatment of its member countries and the citizens of the same countries as they moved about within the region covered geographically by the union (Falkner, Treib, & Hol zleithner, 2008). Efforts to determine the real extent of EU’s power should be understood from the fact that the union embodies certain qualities and virtues that must be upheld for the sake of its sustenance. The realization of the projected ends of the union depends significantly on the manner in which the unions operate and the balance of power and relations between them. The handling of matters of discriminati

Friday, July 26, 2019

Geography - Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Geography - Economic Growth - Essay Example According to them, there are two types of the developing world -- one who has globalized their trade and the one who has not. The globalized group of countries has increased their foreign investment and trade well above the rates of rich countries and opposite is the case with non-globalized group of countries (121) Authors believe that globalization has not caused any higher inequality within economies though they also agree that inequality has gone up in China but it has nothing to do with any free trade and investment flows. They attribute it to education, social policies and taxation. What they want to emphasize is that higher economic growth rates translate higher incomes for the poor. For example, in China inequality has increased but at the same time poverty reduction has taken place and that is entirely because of foreign trade and investment. Authors suggest that growing protectionist movement in rich countries does not augur well if full potential of economic integration an d its benefits are to be realized; however, at the same time, developing countries need to change their policies and build up institutions so that they can prosper under globalization (121). Authors argue that further integration is being opposed in the rich countries and their protectionist measures are directed toward agriculture and labor-intensive products (131). Authors argue that human productivity has increased manifold. The world economy, which was crawling at the rate of 1 percent during mid-nineteenth century accelerated to 3.5 percent during1960-2000 because of economic integration among several countries. Authors put forward the argument that worldwide income inequality was on rise until 1970 but thereafter it started reducing. The income inequality in 1970 was at its highest level at 88.1% that subsequently reduced to 77.7 percent in year 1995. According to authors, after 1980 the number of poor has reduced by 200 million. This has been possible due to accelerated growt h rate of China and India (125). Authors advocate migration from poor countries to reduce the poverty and currently that is highly restricted by rich countries because of the fear of high unemployment rate in those countries. Authors strongly argue that the fate of poor also hangs on the rich countries' migration policy decisions (133). Growth with Equity is Good for the Poor Oxfam (2000) argues that 'growth with equity' is a solution to poverty eradication and not growth proposed by Dollar and Kraay. According to Oxfam, growth alone cannot help in reducing poverty. Oxfam advocates poverty-focused growth that reaches to the lowest 20% of the population to bring them up in line with others. They consider Dollar and Kraay's growth model as anti-poor and anti-growth (2). The important thing, according to Oxfam, is how income is distributed among poor. The larger share of income growth should go to poor if poverty is to be reduced. Comparing different regions on economic growth, Oxfam a sserts that East Asia is the only region, which can achieve its goal of poverty eradication by 2015. Due to poverty-focused growth in East Asia, it has raised 22 million people out of poverty, which other region such as Latin America has not been able to do so. At least 3 million people in Latin America would have been out of poverty had it initiated a focused growth (4). Oxfam argues that growth alone is not sufficient to reduce poverty. Oxfam emphasizes that the income distribution is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Black quarterbacks in the NFL Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Black quarterbacks in the NFL - Research Paper Example B. The four different queries are: 1. Black quarterbacks in the NFL 2. Black quarterbacks currently in the NFL 3. Black quarterbacks active in the NFL 4. Black quarterbacks playing in the NFL These queries should bring up different information but with the same focus on black quarterbacks. We will see the black quarterbacks that have entered and exited the NFL, as well as their history. C. The search engines that will be used are Yahoo, Google, Bing and Dogpile, which is a meta-search engine. These search engines were chosen because they are some of the most widely used engines and should produce good results. D. As can be seen from the results, not all results from the searches are relevant to the topic. Some of the results actually go off on a tangent into something completely unrelated. The table below shows which results were relevant. E. Table 1. The first column shows the first ten hits that were received. It also shows how many times the web page was referenced when using all 4 queries. As shown in the table, the BQB site received the most hits throughout the entire search. F. The next table shows how each of the sets are ranked according to the precision formula. Table 2 Chart 1 The meta-search engine (Dogpile) provided results pulled from all of the other engines. G. There were some pages that showed up more than once no matter which query we used. The results are below. Table 3 H. Google uses a page rank system which means that the various parts of the webpage are ranked according to relevance. This then determines which page shows up in what position on the results page. Dogpile (the meta-search engine) seems to use a feed method that pulls information from other search engines based on how popular they are. Bing and Yahoo seem to use the same type of method which can be considered to be a Boolean method (CCH Incorporated, 2011). It is noticed that Yahoo and Bing both provided results where some of the words were found and then in other cases only on e word was found. Yahoo and Bing ranked their results according to how many words of the original search were found within the pages returned as results. I. One thing to notice about the results is that the meta-search engine (Dogpile) produced fewer relevant results when the search criteria were entered into the search box. This poses a question about what methods they actually use to retrieve information relevant to various searches. It was not determined that any of the search engines used the Boolean method. The only searchable information that was added was the exact phrase that was being researched and no other words such as AND, NOT, or IF were entered. J. The Kendall's tau (t) coefficient (also known as the Kendall rank correlation coefficient) is a statistic used to measure how two measured quantities are associated. Set Theory involves a non-parametric hypothesis test that makes use of the coefficient to test for statistical dependence. The Kendall's tau = \frac{(\text{num ber of concordant pairs}) - (\text{number of discordant pairs})}{\frac{1}{2} n (n-1) } K. Chart 2. Precision of 10 bar-chart L. The best search engine for this particular topic is Google. Google used a different method but their results were still relevant. We saw some of the same pages but overall Google provided something different for

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World View - Essay Example Culture is quite a flexible and fragile phenomenon, a feature which gives it extensive dynamism. Therefore, it changes easily and can be easily lost because it only exists in the minds of people. Culture determines many aspects of the lives of people. It has a strong influence on government, formal language, architecture, and a host of other products of human creativity (O’Neil, 1 – 4). Human culture occurs in three levels. The first one is the collection of cultural traditions that are unique to a society. An example of this is Japanese culture. The second level of culture is a subculture. In societies composed of groups of people who have come from a number of different parts of the world, individuals usually retain their culture, which distinguishes them from the rest of society. The third level of culture is cultural universals, which consists of behavioral patterns that people learn and collectively share all over the world. Examples of cultural traits characterist ic of cultural universals are; the use of gender and age to classify individuals within the society, and the division of labor on a gender basis (O’Neil, 4 – 7). Mythology Mythology is a body of myths possessed by a particular society. A myth is a narrative of a sacred nature that provides an explanation as to why the humankind or the world transformed to become as it is now. Myths usually contain supernatural characters and religious leaders of the society usually endorse them. Myths are part of the culture of a society and, therefore, play a decisive role in shaping that society’s behavioral patterns. This is especially because they substantially influence a society’s religious beliefs.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analyse how Public Relations communications theory can help an Essay

Analyse how Public Relations communications theory can help an understanding of the role of new media - Essay Example Toward the end of the century, as business corporations became the dominant institutions of our times, the scope of PR widened and assumed new roles in the commercial realm of product marketing. At the birth of the new millennium, the ascendency of digital technology into the mainstream has once again enhanced and redefined the nature and role of public relations industry. Irrespective of the evolution and change of mediums of communication over the last century, the essence of PR industry has remained more or less the same. In other words, the theoretical framework within which the PR industry operates is applicable across media technologies, both new and traditional. This essay will pertain itself to the analysis of how Public Relations communications theory can help understanding the role of new media. Firstly, new media is a term that is used to refer to a range of communication options that fall along a spectrum. The research team of Diana Owen and Richard Davis have done extensive analytical work on new media. They describe the wide range of new media technologies thus: â€Å"At one end are communications platforms based on old technologies that have taken on new political roles, such as radio and television talk programs, tabloids, and television news magazines. In the middle of the spectrum are mixed or hybrid media that combine elements of traditional media with newer technologies. These include 24-hour cable news programs and the Internet sites of newspapers and magazines. On the far end of the spectrum are new media that have developed as a result of new technology that has been put to novel political uses. Internet applications, such as social networking Web sites like Facebook and MySpace, blogs, video-sharing sites including YouTube, and podcasts fall into this category.† (Owen & Davis, 2008) What we learn from the history of PR theory over the last century is the identification of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Can one argue that we live in an all-inclusive Information Society Essay

Can one argue that we live in an all-inclusive Information Society Illustrate your answer by offering examples from the media a - Essay Example ICT has proven its worth for providing economic developments, improving the quality of living, opening employment opportunities, and linking people no matter where they may be located in the world. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether or not one can argue that people live in an all-inclusive Information Society. Hence, it will dig into details such as the background of the network society, the definition and facts about all-inclusive information society, some issues that surround it, the influence of media and other communications industries, and the arguments, advantages, and disadvantages of the issue in focus. Background of All-inclusive Information Society The e-inclusion policy of Europe aims to lessen disparities when it comes to ICT usage among every single person despite social status. This policy wishes to create an all-inclusive information society, also known as the network society wherein everyone can create their own opportunities in business, education, and e mployment by being able to access reliable information through the different tools and services provided by ICT easily (International Telecommunication Union 2012). Manuel Castells (cited in Glass 2005, p. 9) once postulated that ‘in a new network economy, information becomes a key factor in economic productivity.’ For example, the flow of stocks in the market is based on relevant information regarding businesses and finances, as well as social and technological trends. Hence, information is made known through ICT and the relevant information is being used to improve businesses and increase economies. The all-inclusive information society is needed in order to balance development in a nation—both the urban and rural areas. The ICT tools and services must be fairly accessible and convenient to all citizens so that they will access information equally relevant for the improvement of their quality of living for all types of people including the disabled, old, and th ose living in remote areas where there used to be difficulties in finding good signals to access the net (European Commission 2007). In the advent of technology, only few people were able to make use of the internet especially the educated ones. These days, almost everyone can use and access ICT tools and services—even children can go online and be able to do e-learning. However, despite these advancements, studies have shown that factors such as education, age, employment, culture, and language may impede the e-inclusion policy because these are major drawbacks in the effective usage of information and communication technologies (Webster 2006). Solutions to these have constantly been researched and studied in order to realise the policy fully. Countries like Europe have implemented this and are close to around 80% of success in the e-inclusion. They still need to do a lot of work, though, and they are aware of it. Other countries, especially those belonging to the third worl d country will find this a difficult task because first and foremost the availability and affordability percentage of people in using ICT tools and services is quite low, but the positive side is that there are more and more people becoming more literate to these technologies little by little (European Communities 2006). In an all-inclusive network society, every ICT user will be able to express his or her opinion, which is a great way to make

Monday, July 22, 2019

Surviving influences with sense of self Essay Example for Free

Surviving influences with sense of self Essay Although many people tend to think that media and advertising are two of the worst culprits that are destroying good moral values, what is right and wrong has always been a subject of debate in history depending on who perceives it. The cowboys and the Indians both had reasons to live in the same territory but had to fight for their rights. Western conventional medicine dominated the east but Westerners use Chinese Traditional Medicine. It is not very easy to see what is right or wrong and even if one does perceive what is correct, there is no guarantee that he or she will do the proper thing. One’s strength of character and moral values are needed to establish a sense of self that will fight the bad influence that society usually promotes. It is very easy to influence someone with poor a poor sense of self. Convincing words and vivid pictures leading to a certain desirable outcome can easily sway someone who lacks backbone to do what is being asked. The mind can easily form pictures of what could be desirable and easily sway one to making decisions – whether good or bad. Poor self-esteem can assist advertising in making false promises. In the article entitled, â€Å"In the Shadow of the Image,† written by Stuart and Elizabeth Ewen (2006 p. 207), the authors mentioned the disillusionment of Frank Miller who watched John Wayne movies and got influenced into taking up his own cause against Southeast Asians who simply triggered a bullet on his chest to his dismay. The movies he had watched were meant to boost its audience’s self-esteem but it went further to influence Miller’s way of thinking and perception of other cultural minorities. Due to his poor knowledge of who he really is, he has failed to show respect for others and ultimately based his ego on the outcome of his own cause. According to the Ewens, he felt betrayed by the images he had seen. Miller failed to identify himself properly and now feels depressed that he let himself be influenced by Hollywood. He does not realize that it was his own choices that led him to act on film influences. Low self-esteem can be infectious. A person with poor sense of self will rely on a group of people with the same problem to acknowledge a false common factor. Being part of a group can be advantageous to boost self-esteem but it can go toward the wrong direction if the group exercises its strength by being prejudiced. Biases can take the form of skin color, the way people talk, or even how people move. Vertamae Smart-Grasvenor’s essay entitled, â€Å"When You Meet Estella Smart, You Been Met! † shows how her grandmother actually overcame the problem of prejudice by relying on her sense of self to perceive what is right and wrong. Instead of giving up eating rice to avoid being the butt of many jokes, she decided to â€Å"get rid of nothing that was worth keeping† and continued to eat rice and talk like a Southerner in a northern community. (232) People with poor self-image tend to cover this flaw by making it look like they are superior compared to others simply because they are â€Å"in† or part of a larger group. These people tend to look down on others who do not think the same way that they do. Estella Smart had been the object of many condescending comments because she refused to embrace the impractical way of life that her northern community encouraged. Comments such as, â€Å"Think she is something! She ain’t no better than nobody else! † (232) are obvious signs of jealousy that could have hurt a person who did not find strength in his own identity. However, for people like Estella Smart who know themselves better, gossiping people can say whatever they want for all they care. Another effect of advertising that is truly pushed by poor self-esteem is the fact that people tend to cover up their feelings of insecurity by buying products to make them feel better. Advertisements prey on people’s insecurities and poor self-image to entice its audiences to use their products to boost their self-worth. The Ewens mention a student, Gina Concepcion, who works so hard in their local supermarket just so she can be fashionable and wear Jordache clothing. She thinks that the pants may be very expensive but they â€Å"fit better and she fits better. † (207). Gina obviously bases her self-esteem on how people think about her and her pants. She has become enslaved by her insecurity to belong and had fallen prey to Jordache’s advertising scheme. Advertising and media can be very powerful influences in everyday decision-making but the real root of the problem lies on one’s sense of self. Most people easily fall into the trap of commercials because these ads know how to use their products to cover up for whatever insecurities a person has. If a child had grown up knowing that he has the power to choose what is good and bad for him (instead of grown ups simply telling him to follow instructions), then more people would probably be more resistant to promotional schemes. Knowing that one has the power to direct one’s life is essential to help people fight for what they believe in. Without the realization that destiny is simply in one’s hands, it becomes easy for humans to get depressed and be suffocated by the many crimes that can often be read on newspapers or seen or heard on the news. Not knowing that one has the power to change things or fight against what is wrong can ultimately develop fear in one’s psyche which has led to numerous suicide attempts and successes. Beverly Jackson’s suicide incident that the Ewens mentioned, happened only because the woman felt helpless and hopeless. If she had enough sense of self to know that there are many ways to protect and empower one’s self against crime, then she could be still alive by now. Advertising and pop culture can only devour people who have poor self-image. More often than not, commercialism’s effects on its victims may not be detected because the brain has been deceived to see great solutions to the insecurities that people have. Only people who have been raised to know that they have the distinct power to put direction in their lives by using their choices can inevitably resist the temptations that pop culture has in store for every one. Estella Smart knew this and overcame being a domestic helper (which she despised terribly) by learning how to sew during the evenings after her work. (Smart-Grasvenor 232) It all boils down to how people have been raised. Advertising and media have been goons that continue to affect man’s choices and ways of life. However, the reason behind this success rests on poor self-image. If people learn to develop the power that is within them and use them to do what is good, then pop culture would diminish. It is one’s sense of self that can triumph against the negative influence of any culture. Works Cited Ewen, Stuart and Elizabeth Stuart. â€Å"In the Shadow of the Image. † Reading Culture. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. Place Published: Longman, 2006. 205-209. Smart-Grasvenor, Vertamae. â€Å"When You Meet Estella Smart, You Been Met! † Reading Culture. Ed. Diana George and John Trimbur. Place Published: Longman, 2006. 231-234.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Time And Tide Wait For None Philosophy Essay

Time And Tide Wait For None Philosophy Essay No one is so powerful that he can stop the march of time this is what the phrase time and tide wait for none means. Although the origin of this phrase is not sure, yet it is obvious that it has ancient origins and predates modern English. The mere mention of the tide being beyond mans control brings to mind images of King Canutes story. He showed the limitations of a Kings powers by failing to make the sea obey his orders. The word tide in this phrase originally didnt imply what the present meaning is the rising and falling of the sea.   It denoted a period of time. At the time when this phrase was coined the word tide meant a season or a time or a while.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This phrase is also sometimes mentioned as time and tide wait for no man. Nevertheless, it signifies the importance of time. In literature time has often been referred to as Once upon a timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and then as the story progresses we discover how time passes, how it comes to a standstill, how it flies sometimes and how the character develops as time goes by. Time was a great teacher for King Lear in Shakespeares play King Lear. His character undergoes a sea-change with passage to time. His tow elder daughters failed the test of time. It was the youngest one, the reticent Cordelia, who faced the stormy times and came out a winner in being united with her father. But then time was a cruel teacher. Both Lear and Cordelia had to pay the price of their lives. Time had not waited for them. How time flies! they say. Rightly has Ben Hecht said, Time is a circus always packing up and moving away.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time is to be treated as a precious commodity. Its as important as life itself. What is life? Is it a mere breathing exercise? How do we define time? We often refer to the term lifetime. What makes a life is not the whole life at one go. Rather it consists of moments stitched together. We should live life in parts, so to say. Live a whole lifetime in a whole day. Live as if theres no tomorrow. This doesnt mean being rash. But start enjoying your life, you never will be able to when times change. You never can judge what time has in store for you. Being alive and living is a totally different thing. If you go to accumulating wealth hoping that youll indulge yourself, do something for your family and enjoy life one day, you are grossly mistaken. When a man dies he will never wish he would have spent some more time in the office. As we say, opportunity is here, similarly, time is here and now. Time should never be wasted. I wasted time and no w doth time waste me, says Shakespeare in Richard II (Act V, scene v).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   German Nobel Prize Winner, Thomas Mann in his novel The Magic Mountain writes: What is time? It is a secret lacking in substance and yet almighty. The concept of time has been treated differently in different periods of time. In ancient Greece time was treated as a circle. Hesoid, the Greek historian of 8th century B.C. divided time into five ages of mankind, beginning with the golden age of the distant past when men lived in peace and continuing upto the contemporary Iron Age where fights and warfare prevail. But in medieval and modern times time has been treated as a linear process. Saint Augustine in his City of God favoured the linear concept of time and labelled the Greek cyclic time as a mere superstition. Time has been mentioned in literature in different ways.   Even the mythical and cyclic depiction of time had influenced many writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez (One Hundred Years of Solitude), Octavio Paz (his poem Piedra de sol). Even T.S. Eliot in his poem Geronation gave to us the negative document on human life just as Paz. According to the linear concept time is an irreversible process; in Christianity from Creation to Judgment Day. An illustration of this in literature can be seen in Dantes Divine Comedy. William Faulkner, the winner of Nobel Prize Winner in literature in 1949, in his celebrated novel The Sound and the Fury gives in detail the downfall of a wealthy and prosperous family in the southern United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We have examples of famous personalities who dreamt big but had to accept defeat in front of time. The most brilliant example is that of Alexander the Great. At his death he wished to show to the people that he was going empty-handed. This was the realization of a lifetime but it dawned upon him when he was on his death-bed. Time didnt wait for him either. Hitler had dreamed of ruling over the whole world, but his progress was checked very soon and had to commit suicide in the end. These are all examples of human failure in front of the divine power of time. We have to move ahead with the time to conquer it. Generally what we do is that we move where life takes us. Thus, we allow to be driven by time, and to dominate us. If we stand still we will reach nowhere and time wont stop for us, to take us along. Austin Dobson writes: Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, men may come and men may go but time stays on just like the brook. But, again just as water is never the same in a flowing river, time too never repeats itself. Time once past cannot be recalled. How beautifully Omar Khayam puts it: The moving finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. No matter how many pains you take, you cannot use the undo command in life and edit again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another quality of time is its uniformity and impartial nature. It works at the same pace for the wealthiest and for the poorest one. An hour means sixty minutes both for a king and a pauper. All are slaves of time. What we can do is make the most of the time at hand, as the old proverb goes make hay while the sun shines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We can broadly divide time into three categories past, present and future. But actually it is indivisible. Its a wonder how soon a past is created. You wink and eye and the moment is past. You will never find back the time wasted by you, there will only be tales of past. Future too is not revealed to us. We never know what is going to happen. Theres many a slip between the cup and the lip. So we should live in the present. It is only in the present that the essence of life is contained. We cannot depend on either the past or future which is not in front of us. Live life as it unfolds itself before us, that is, in the form of present. Trust no Future, howeer pleasant! Let the dead Past bury its dead! Act, act in the living Present! Heart within, and God oerhead! (H.W. Longfellow in A Psalm of Life) Time doesnt give you chances. There are no retakes in real life. Time teaches you with experience but it has been called the cruelest teacher. Why? Because it never waits and you cant change your actions later. So much destruction has been caused in the world. The two World Wars have been there. Atom bombs have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It seemed as if the country of Japan would be destroyed, its economy would never be able to recover. But time didnt come to a standstill. Japan is one of the leading nations of the world. This is because the Japanese didnt wait for the time, rather they acted. People lose their loved ones. Their lives are shattered by the death. Life doesnt seem to be moving ahead. But things change because time doesnt wait for the mourner to get back to life again. Time is a great healer too. It goes on and on, just like a stream. Indeed, time is the stream of life. Just like the bubbles some people fade away, some new ones take their place and the proc ess goes on. Life goes on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a time and place for everything according to an old proverb. So when opportunity knocks at your door dont turn around. Grab the offer with both hands. Act spontaneously. The moment you act will be the right time. You never know when the time runs out or the tide turns unfavourable. Time is like the sand fast pouring out of your hands. It is just like the onion being layer after layer and in the end you find theres nothing remaining in it. Its now or never. So like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says: Let us, then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labour and to wait. TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO ONE This is a very simple, clear and self-explanatory proverb. It means that time and tide do not wait for anybody. Time goes on passing without caring for anybody and anything. Similarly tides occur ; they have no regard or consideration for anybody. Time and tide symbolise valuable opportunity. They occur without any notice. The essence of the proverb is that opportunities do not wait for anyone. No one can command or foretell their occurrence or recurrence. One should be alert and cautious because they occur without any notice. They are generally shortlived and pass quickly; No one can say whether or when they would come again. So one should be fully prepared to make the best use of an opportunity as and when it presents itself. Time and tide are natural phenomena. Like other agents of nature, they too have no consideration and regard for any individual. Man cannot change their course. They are beyond the control of human hands. Man finds himself helpless before them. In ancient times there were no steamships. There were huge boats equipped with sails. They were called ships. Their launching in the sea was a difficult affair, which depended on the tide. The sailors had to wait for weeks and sometimes for months, because their ships could not sail without the help of a tide. As soon as the tide came, they sailed their ships away with it. If they missed the chance, they had to wait for the next tide about which there could be no certainty. A tide never waits for any sailor. It is for the sailor to wait and take advantage of the tide when it comes. It is for the sailors to take advantage of the tide. If they fail they suffer the consequences. This proverb is a lesson to all of us. It lays emphasis on the desirability of our preparedness to make the best use of an opportunity that presents itself to us. We should, therefore, remain vigilant, because even the slightest carelessness on our part may result in missing a great opportunity in life resulting in colossal loss. It also implies that opportunities are rare. No one can create them. They come of their own. Those who are ready, are able to take advantage of them, but lazy^ people let them slip. Time is running fast. Yesterday will never come again. Even this moment when you are reading these lines will never come again. Time is an opportunity. If time will not come again, it means the opportunity will not come again. It is, therefore, necessary that one should grasp the opportunity as it comes. Missing an opportunity means missing the chance for ever, because one does not know whether the opportunity will recur or not. No amount of repentance would compensate the loss caused by such a failure. Nature is impersonal. It does not matter to it if a certain individual fails to make use of an opportunity offered by it. It is because of this aspect of the matter that wise men are always prepared to act with full vigour when time comes. They never postpone things. Suppose a student is to appear in his final examination in January 1980. He has still many long months for study and preparation. In January 1980, he will get an opportunity to pass the examination in any division he likes. He can put in hard work to make the best use of the opportunity and achieve his objective. But if he does not put his heart and soul into the study or in case he completely misses this opportunity, he cannot get a chance of passing the examination in January 1980 in his whole life. It may be that he . passes the examination later but passing the examination in January This is a very simple, clear and self-explanatory proverb. It means that time and tide do not wait for anybody. Time goes on passing without caring for anybody and anything. Similarly tides occur ; they have no regard or consideration for anybody. Time and tide symbolise valuable opportunity. They occur without any notice. The essence of the proverb is that opportunities do not wait for anyone. No one can command or foretell their occurrenceor recurrence. One should be alert and cautious because they occur without any notice. They are generally shortlived and pass quickly; No one can say whether or when they would come again. So one should be fully prepared to make the best use of an opportunity as and when it presents itself.Time and tide are natural phenomena. Like other agents of nature, they too have no consideration and regard for any individual. Man cannot change their course. They are beyond the control of human hands. Man finds himself helpless before them. In ancient times t here were no steamships. There were huge boats equipped with sails. They were called ships. Their launching in the sea was a difficult affair, which depended on the tide. The sailors had to wait for weeks and sometimes for months, because their ships could not sail without the help of a tide. As soon as the tide came, they sailed their ships away with it. If they missed the chance, they had to wait for the next tide about which there could be no certainty. A tide never waits for any sailor. It is for the sailor to wait and take advantage of the tide when it comes. It is for the sailors to take advantage of the tide. If they fail they suffer the consequences. This proverb is a lesson to all of us. It lays emphasis on the desirability of our preparedness to make the best use of an opportunity that presents itself to us. We should, therefore, remain vigilant, because even the slightest carelessness on our part may result in missing a great opportunity in life resulting in colossal loss . It also implies that opportunities are rare. No one can create them. They come of their own. Those who are ready, are able to take advantage of them, but lazy^ people let them slip.Time is running fast. Yesterday will never come again. Even this moment when you are reading these lines will never come again. Time is an opportunity. If time will not come again, it means the opportunity will not come again. It is, therefore, necessary that one should grasp the opportunity as it comes. Missing an opportunity means missing the chance for ever, because one does not know whether the opportunity will recur or not. No amount of repentance would compensate the loss caused by such a failure. Nature is impersonal. It does not matter to it if a certain individual fails to make use of an opportunity offered by it. It is because of this aspect of the matter that wise men are always prepared to act with full vigour when time comes. They never postpone things.Suppose a student is to appear in his final examination in January 1980. He has still many long months for study and preparation. In January 1980, he will get an opportunity to pass the examination in any division he likes. He can put in hard work to make the best use of the opportunity and achieve his objective. But if he does not put his heart and soul into the study or in case he completely misses this opportunity, he cannot get a chance of passing the examination in January 1980 in his whole life. It may be that he . passes the examination later but passing the examination in January  1980 will be an impossibility for him. January 1980 will not wait for him. Missing the January 1980 examination will result in an irreparable loss. Opportunities are rare. Generally they do not repeat. That is why wise people call them golden chances. It is always advisable to seize an opportunity as soon as it occurs, because it may never occur again. Such a chance, if availed of, may prove a boon in ones life and may also ruin ones life if it is missed. Many such instances may be cited from everyday life of many of us. A wise man, therefore, anxiously waits for an opportunity and makes the best use of it as soon as it occurs. Those who miss such opportunities because of their negligence or carelessness have to repent. There is another aspect of the matter. Time and tide are immune to sentiments of loss or gain to individuals, communities and nations. In total disregard of loss or gain to individuals they follow their schedules. There can be no appeal against them. It also flows from the proverb that one should be strictly punctual and should do ones work at the proper or appointed time. The habit ofpostponing things is not good. A thing postponed is generally never done. It also means that one should cultivate the habit of taking decisions quickly or at the ripe time. Vacillation in this regard may prove disastrous. Many people have met with failure in life because they would not take decision at the right time. Due to their vacillation the opportunity slipped out of their hands. In conclusion, this proverb teaches us to be very cautious and not to miss an opportunity that comes to us, because the opportunity will not wait for us, and we do not know whether it will come again. If one fails to take advantage of one opportunity, he may never get another. Time and tide wait for none!   TIME  AND tide wait for no man. This indeed is a well-known proverb. But how many times in our life have we desired that time was something we could capture in our hands and never let go. When we look back into our past, we gather a lot of memorable moments which we never want to get over, especially, those cheerfulchildhood days  where we were pampered by one and all in our families. Those were the golden days of our lives. In the school days, we thought homework and exams were the hardest things one can ever face. Little did we know that with time, more hardships are bound to come. In college days deciding on a career was another  Herculean task. Advices came when they are hardly required. Everybody had a say on our decision making process and they got the better of us. Then we took a plunge into the vast ocean called career. For some of us, there will be a phase when we want to change that one decision. Alas!, the realization will sink in deep that its too late to change our decision. We will realize that there is no rewind option in the lifes clock.   We should realize the importance of taking the right decision at the right time. In that way, we will never regret any decision that we make in life.  Procrastination  will not help you to achieve the best things in life. So wake up before it is too late. Time might keep dodging us, but we should not get intimidated by it. All you need to do is, become excellent time managers. Be more organized in life and most importantly, be time-bound. Lead your life is such a way that you run in pace with time. Success will follow suit. In English:  Time and tide wait for no one. Time is precious, once it is past, no one can go back and claim it. Thus everyone should be mindful of how his time is spent. In German:  Zeit ist Geld. Time is money. = Time is precious. So you have to make the most of it. Time is the most precious thing for a man as it comes only once in someones life and never stays long. Whether favorable or unfavorable, time is gone once means it never returns just like tide. Thus, the popular proverb goes like Time and Tide wait for none. It is seen that some people miss the bus for a while escape the severe accidents. Likewise a scientist discovers a valuable finding at a particular point of time which he had missed by chance means eh might not have got the credit of finding that. Although all these are matter of fate nevertheless time does not wait for anybody. If we fail to act when time is ripped, we miss the chance and curse our fate for ever. So it is advisable to do every work at an appropriate time so that one would never repent for the time wasted. In fact, he should wit patiently for the proper and favorable time, so that success will come easily and time will be used best. In every field time has its own importance. If a farmer had not sown the seeds in proper season he would not get the paddy as thought. Similarly, the game of football one extra minute may also make a difference as during that one minute a player could score a goal against the opponent tem and the game would be over with an 1:0 score in spite of simple draw. To add another example, if a doctor would not reach at the right time the patients life will not be saved. Thus, time is very important for every work to be completed as required. In olden days there were now watches an people used to do their working following the direction of the Sun, even though people were sincere and punctual at those days. But today even after innumerable inventions and a lot developments people used to complain that they dont have time. Is it that the time in olden days was long and today it is short? Not at all. Then where is the problem? Actually problem exists in time management. As time wasted never returns and today people are wasting a lot of time wandering they are experiencing the time short, so the complaint. For instance when the students have the time, they waste it in unnecessary discussions, love and student politics etc. but when examination comes nearer they start studying and complain for time short as they could not use the time left in a proper manner. Here a saying comes to mind, Time is short, not for rest, think your aim and do your best. Have we ever thought of the importance of time. If not, then we should give attention towards it To known the value of one year, ask the student who failed. To know the value of one month, ask the mother of a premature baby. To know the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly. To know the value of one day, ask the daily wage worker. To know the value of one minute, ask the passenger who missed the train. To know the value of one second, ask the person who escaped an accident. Thus, scheduled management of time can give a person more time to do what he wants, improve his availability, improve his decision making, improve his health, improve his productivity, efficiently and effectiveness, make him easier to work with, make him feel more relaxed, minimize the risk he takes and most importantly reduces stress. So following steps should be taken to manage time. Keep a time record. fix time for each activity and see that the work is completed within the time frame. Short term goals: Set the goal for each day, week or a month, so that you can make sure that the time is spent in a systematic manner. Planning- Plan and use your time in such a way that you have a clear idea of what you want to do with the day, make out a definite programme, know what you like doing with your leisure. Plan your work, organize it before you start, fix a time limit for each job and do your best to complete it within that time, learn to do things the right way- with ease and speed, eliminate all unnecessary moment, have the materials which you require at hand so that you can reach them without having to get up and walk around, try to do something useful with odd minutes like those spend waiting for bus or train i.e. read a book or plan your next job. Be punctual about appointments. Talking to people is fine but too much can become a vice. Interruptions- Dont allow any one to disturb you when you are doing an important work. Relaxation- Relaxation is also important, so do spare for it. Avoid overworking- Avoid overworking and try to begin and end the work in schedule time. Thus, make schedules to execute your work in a fruitful manner. Meetings- Plan and prepare for conducting a meeting which will help in saving time and dealing with the subjects in an orderly manner. Squandering time versus valid Downtime- Dont squander time on low priority things during the time set aside for high priority goals. For example dont watch television during the study time. Doing it right the first time- The biggest thief of your valuable times is doing a sloppy job when you get down to work. If you are not bothered to do it right the first time, then you will not be motivated to do it ever. Procrastination- Overcome these hurdles in the best possible manner. You must prepare and set study goals, imagine the pain, imagine the pleasure and give yourself permission to procrastinate some things, like giving a car a tuning. Live and work at steady rhythm- Once you master the art of working steadily, you will certainly make the best use of time. If you put these suggestions into practice and remember that if wealth is lost it can be regained but not the time, then you will be the happiest person in the world. Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today ? How do you explain this golden maxim ? One of the many weaknesses of which man must be warned is procrastination or putting off things that can be done today till a later date. There is some natural inertia in man which makes him lethargic. He knows he must work but he doesnt want to unless he is goaded, very often leaves things where they are. If it doesnt affect him personally he doesnt act immediately. He would rather bask in idleness. To make him work and act many incentives are offered. Thus we see in business, what is called an incentive bonus. In regular services they are offered increments. Man knows that putting off till tomorrow what one can do today is bad. So there are many maxims like time and tide wait for no man. Take time by the forelock; Make hay while the sun shines. These idioms go to show how society realize the value of time and doing thing in time. For time lost is a loss forever and it cant be brought back. Hence the proverb procrastination is a thief of time. Time is a factor which is very important, the more so nowadays. In the jet-age or the Supersonic-age everything takes place at a speed which the ancients would never have dreamed of. A generation or so ago it took many days to reach Malaysia from India. Now it is a matter of less than four hours. In order to keep pace with the speed with which things move, man also must know how to act quickly. Suppose one has to fly on a mission or business to a distant place he has to be at the airport very early. A delay of even five minutes would see the plane taken off and his whole program would be causing a lot of chain reactions. Suppose a man fails to turn up at the hour he has fixed for an engagement he would not only lose his face but it may also tell on his future with which his whole life is tied up. The more complex and technological the society grows, the value of time grows equally acute. Work falls in arrears, means he has to work harder and even faster the next day. This is found among students who often postpone doing their homework and wait for the weekend holiday to come. But when the holiday comes they find it difficult to sit and do their homework while their friends are playing outside. The next day they have to think of ways and means to deceive their teachers when homework has to be passed up. There is a sense of fulfillment for those people who are punctual and regular in their work. They enjoy a guilt-free conscience. A forcibly true example is the case of health. If there is any ailment one should attend to it immediately. Some people hide their ailments only to suffer later, when it is too late. When one is regular and punctual it adds to his dignity and brings him peace at heart. It requires principles, discipline and will power to do ones duty on hand at once. If only one were to keep a record of idle hours it would be astounding to see the sum total of the time. One must develop the philosophy of life quoted in the Village Blacksmith, Something attempted, something done, earned him a nights repose. Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today ? How do you explain this golden maxim ? One of the many weaknesses of which man must be warned is procrastination or putting off things that can be done today till a later date. There is some natural inertia in man which makes him lethargic. He knows he must work but he doesnt want to unless he is goaded, very often leaves things where they are. If it doesnt affect him personally he doesnt act immediately. He would rather bask in idleness. To make him work and act many incentives are offered. Thus we see in business, what is called an incentive bonus. In regular services they are offered increments. Man knows that putting off till tomorrow what one can do today is bad. So there are many maxims like time and tide wait for no man. Take time by the forelock; Make hay while the sun shines. These idioms go to show how society realize the value of time and doing thing in time. For time lost is a loss forever and it cant be brought back. Hence the proverb procrastination is a thief of time. Time is a factor which is very important, the more so nowadays. In the jet-age or the Supersonic-age everything takes place at a speed which the ancients would never have dreamed of. A generation or so ago it took many days to reach Malaysia from India. Now it is a matter of less than four hours. In order to keep pace with the speed with which things move, man also must know how to act quickly. Suppose one has to fly on a mission or business to a distant place he has to be at the airport very early. A delay of even five minutes would see the plane taken off and his whole program would be causing a lot of chain reactions. Suppose a man fails to turn up at the hour he has fixed for an engagement he would not only lose his face but it may also tell on his future with which his whole life is tied up. The more complex and technological the society grows, the value of time grows equally acute. Work falls in arrears, means he has to work harder and even faster the next day. This is found among students who often postpone doing their homework and wait for the weekend holiday to come. But when the holiday comes they find it difficult to sit and do their homework while their friends are playing outside. The next day they have to think of ways and means to deceive their teachers when homework has to be passed up. There is a sense of fulfillment for those people who are punctual and regular in their work. They enjoy a guilt-free conscience. A forcibly true example is the case of health. If there is any ailment one should attend to it immediately. Some people hide their ailments only to suffer later, when it is too late. When one is regular and punctual it adds to his dignity and brings him peace at heart. It requires principles, discipline and will power to do ones duty on hand at once. If only one were to keep a record of idle hours it would be astounding to see the sum total of the time. One must develop the philosophy of life quoted in the Village Blacksmith, Something attempted, something done, earned him a nights repose. Essay on the Importance of Time Time is said to be eternal. It is said that it has neither a beginning nor an end. Yet men are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. They have also given meanings to the words past, present and future. True, time has a meaning. It moves. What was yesterday is not today. What is today will not be tomorrow. Yesterday is gone. Today is

The Online Advertising Overview Media Essay

The Online Advertising Overview Media Essay As the presence of technology meshes into every aspect of our lives, mobile advertising has been recognized by many if not all marketers as being the future, but is it truly? Mobile devices have taken over our lives in many aspects. With their ability to shoot video, take pictures, playing your music library, browse the internet and so on; these new features allow marketers to target consumers via mobile ads and mobile applications. As time passes and technology evolves, new types of advertising venues spring up transitioning from newspapers to billboards, TV and radio, and now the internet. The authors of a peered reviewed scholarly article discuss how, Online advertising has three characteristics; ease of targeting; personalized contents; and interactivity (Dhar, Subhankar, and Upkar Varshney, 356). In comparison to TV or radio advertising, the internet medium allows advertisers to create interactive advertisements that can be tailored to be personalized and target the consumers di rect interests. But with the introduction of new methods and technologies to the market, it does not come without its disadvantages. Online Advertising Overview The end of the 20th century and the beginning of 21st were characterized by rapid developments of communication tools. Advertising delivered over the Internet or better known as online advertising has become a significant source of revenue for web-based businesses. Internet-based advertising is a gale of creative destruction (in the words of Schumpeter, 1942) sweepin g across the advertising and media landscape. Online advertisings humble beginnings began in in 1994 when HotWired, a web magazine, sold a banner ad to ATT and displayed the ad on its webpage (Kaye and Medoff, 2001). But since that time, the e-commerce hype has taken hold, and the focus has already moved on to the mobile Internet. The new technology changed the world by revolutionizing communication at a time when mobile computing technology as a communication tool was solely limited to telephone. However, due to digitalization and the consolidation of telecommunication networks and Internet technology, mobile devices ha ve evolved to provide the same experience as full-scale Internet-enabled computers. The convergence of these technologies provides endless possibilities for mobile computing applications and usage. M-advertising is inexpensive and can be highly targeted towards a certain individual. The potential of mobile devices as direct marketing tools has not gone unnoticed and advertisers have realized the opportunity to use the mobile channel to text information to targeted consumers. Unlike traditional print, TV, or even email advertising, companies can now reach speci ¬Ã‚ c consumer groups or even individuals, virtually anywhere, anytime, and based on the physical location of the mobile user. In addition, companies have more knowledge about their client pool than ever before. This provides businesses with the opportunity to reach their prospects when and where it is most appropriate for the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. M-advertising could most likely become a very powerful new marketing tool enabling businesses to customize and personalize advertising for mobile users. The Negative Side Effects of Mobile Advertising Although there are various de ¬Ã‚ nitions for the concept of M-advertising, no commonly accepted de ¬Ã‚ nition exists. This is because not much research is done in the area of M-advertising. In the present article M-advertising is referred to as the sending of electronic advertisements (mobile ads) to consumers carrying mobile devices. M-advertising is regarded by many as one of the most promising and pro ¬Ã‚ table business opportunities amongst mobile computing applications. A recent mobile marketing survey suggests that about 7% of the mobile users would be willing to receive mobile ads if they were relevant. Unlike personal computers (PCs), mobile devices typically are not shared, which allows for precise targeting of advertising to a single person. Moreover, mobile users rarely leave their home without their device and use them frequently throughout the day. As a result a message sent to a mobile device commands the immediate attention of the mobile user and may be perce ived as intrusive if the message is unanticipated. Mobile advertising is inexpensive and novel, and can be highly targeted towards a certain individual. The potential of mobile devices as direct marketing tools has not gone unnoticed and advertisers have realized the opportunity to use the mobile channel to text information to targeted consumers. Unlike traditional print, TV, or even email advertising, companies can now reach speci ¬Ã‚ c consumer groups or even individuals, virtually anywhere, anytime, and based on the physical location of the mobile user. In addition, companies have more knowledge about their client pool than ever before. This provides businesses with the opportunity to reach their prospects when and where it is most appropriate for the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. M-advertising could most likely become a very powerful new marketing tool enabling businesses to customize and personalize advertising for mobile users. The authors bring up the negative side effects of mobile advertising which include spam mail, SMS text messages, and privacy invasion. The authors go on to explain that, Since mobile communication is perceived as a truly private way of intercommunication, consumers can easily have a feeling that their privacy is invaded (Dhar, 356). The biggest fears that have arisen in recent years are location based marketing via GPS enabled mobile devices. (Dhar, 356). It isnt a surprise though that the idea of combining location information and user data could raise a serious privacy concerns for consumers because the activity of the individual can possibly be traced, which the authors also bring up. Privacy of the consumer can come in many different tolerance levels. Consumers nowadays prefer advertisements which are geared more towards their interests than ones that dont. Email and other types of internet messaging services are often times the center of spam targeting. A scholarly article by Evelyne Beatrix Cleff affirms that, Unanticipated advertising messages, commonly referred to mobile spam, are considered to be a form of privacy violation (Cleff, 229). Data which is collected from the market is used to create a profile of the consumer and help to categorize what that persons interests are. Cleff later states in the article that These practices may lead to an over-collecting of personal data without the proper implementation of personal data privacy, such as providing a set of standards governing the collection as well as the use of personal data and addressing issues of privacy and accuracy (Cleff, 229). Since most of use our smartphones for popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, our standard of privacy as changed c ompletely. 50 years ago, for example, the general population would have never dreamed of putting up their personal home phone number up on a billboard for all to see. Yet nowadays, Facebook users will post even their home addresses on their profiles and other social networking websites with millions of eyes to see it. Because these advertising methods interfere into peoples private information, there are opt-out programs when using these services that restrict personalized advertising from gathering any information from your online browsing habits. A statement made by Cleff brings up the point that Consequently, privacy fears may not only be limiting the growth of m-advertising, but may also be affecting the validity and completeness of customer databases and pro ¬Ã‚ les, leading to inaccurate targeting, wasted effort, etc (Cleff, 229). Because online privacy has been a huge issue, there has been doubt that as the consumer becomes more annoyed by the presence of advertisements on the internet. Since literally all major social networking and online e-tailors provide opt-out programs for their users, will it be able to provide continued revenue growth in the coming years? Regulation and The Future Regulation in the United States falls under the Federal Trade Comission (FTC) with their Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA) which protects consumers from unfair practices by sellers and marketers alike. A scholarly article in the Texas Law Review by David DeMarco goes indepth on the topic of privacy issues related to online marketing methods and subsequent regulations that comes with it. He goes on to explain that Although e-companies and Internet users may differ about the degree of access to collected information that companies ought to provide to their customers for verification purposesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ businesses have a compelling interest in maintaining accurate and complete information about their customers (DeMarco, 1042). He goes on later to explain how there has been a push in the last two decades to push for industry self-regulation which is considered by a source in his article to be an abject failure. Because the internet is so vast and unregulated by governments, there h ave been huge doubts as to how consumers privacy will ever be regulated. According to a statement made by DeMarco, At the core of the self-regulatory regime sits a websites privacy policy (DeMarco, 1045). Since websites wont take responsibility for your information, who will? People dont realize as they allow for these websites and applications to access our photos, contacts, emails and so on, we give up ourselves to potential criminals that may lurk on the internet. As social networks come and go, the privacy we give up wont change. Society today as shifted completely due to the internet and without regulation, privacy or the idea of it will become nothing more than a word since all our information will be out there for the taking, regardless of your opinion. Overall, privacy issues and mobile advertising have turned into something highly taboo. Opinions on the matter vary from consumer to consumer due to younger people being more open about information their parents generation would have deemed unimaginable to post on the internet for all eyes to see. Laws and regulations by governments cannot keep up with the ever changing fads on the internet. From location based personalized advertising to the billboard you drive past on highway, mobile advertising is becoming embedded into every aspect of our lives. Consumers today carry their phones everywhere and with the mobile internet service providing the link, millions if not billions of people have their information gathered daily to provide a more personalized and creepy targeting campaign for your buying desires.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Inaugural Address to the People of the US :: essays research papers

Inaugeral Address to the People of the US   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hello ladies and gentleman, citizens of the United States of America. Today I will be reading to you my inaugural address, and will hopefully cover any and all issues or questions you may have about why you should, and trust me, you should, vote for me to be your president. The ten issues I will be addressing in my speech are: education, medical care, employment, welfare, crime, drug trafficking, language, environment, media, and abortion. Let me start with education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education is not something to be taken lightly. To many kids today are not getting sufficient education, starting as soon as kindergarten. My plan for education is to set guidelines and standards that will be relevant in every school. By a certain grade, each student should have been taught everything sufficient for that level of education. This way all students will have been taught the same amount of information at the same time. I would take away AP classes and instead put children who learn at an accelerated rate in their choice of a grade above their current level, or at a school specifically designed for children of their intelligence. This way in public schools, children not in AP classes will not in any way feel inferior. I will press for smaller classes, and more teachers, that way, children can get more individual attention that so many of them need. I will also make it so that colleges must pay more attention to the motivation of the student rather then the grade point average. To often high school students get rejected from colleges because their grade point average doesn’t meet the standards of a certain school.

Friday, July 19, 2019

What Happened to Disco? Essay -- essays research papers

What happened to Disco? Bellbottoms, afros, music, sex and drugs can best describe the Disco Era. The Disco Era was a care-free time in which there were no rules. People danced the nights away. Most of the people of the Disco Era lived normal lives, working nine to five jobs during the week, but when the weekend rolled around they put on their bellbottoms and dancing shoes and hit up the Disco Clubs. This is an era that will never be forgotten but will probably never be relived. Disco is said to have begun in the gay nightclubs of New York City in the mid 1960's. At these clubs Deejays played records from little known black artists and quickly and accidentally began channeling underground music to the population. This quickly caught the attention of major record production companies. Up until this point in time, deejays didn't get very much respect for their profession. Disk Jockeys began to play a major role, and soon they became celebrities, in the entertainment world. The whole idea to "Disco Music" was mixing recorded music with other forms of music. This included mixing it with live music as well as mixing it with other recorded tracks. As this type of sound became very popular, recording artists started mixing different types of music in the recording studio. There were so many popular artists during the Disco Era, and much of their music is still listened to today. One particular group that gained much fame during this era was the Bee Gees. When the Bee Gees first came out their popularity skyrocketed. They were said by many to be the next Beatles only with a different type of music. Those who did characterize them as the next Beatles were exactly right. They produced number one hits one after the other. Some of their biggest hits were placed on the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever, which became the biggest selling album in history up to that point. Saturday Night Fever, starring John Travolta, was a movie based on the life of Disco. John Travolta became a cultural Icon to young males during the 70's. Every guy dressed like him and wanted to live like him, and every female wanted to date him. This movie became one of the biggest influences on disco goers of this era. Before this movie came out, disco was very popular. After the re lease of the mo... ...because they acted like themselves. They didn't feel as though they had to be "Politically Correct" anymore. They went out and did what they wanted to do, when they wanted to do it, including, the chronic drug use and the careless sex. The sad thing about the Disco era is, although it will always be a part of our culture as a nation but it will never make a comeback. Sure, people still wear bellbottoms, and there are still hippies and disco music is still very popular, but the United States has become too modernized for the disco era to ever make a comeback. Personally, I think that it would be very cool if it were to make a comeback. I think that it would be fun to wear bellbottoms and crazy shirts, but I'm sure that I would get sick of it very quickly and go back to the way that I am used to living. First of all, the music industry would never allow for new disco acts to burst upon the scene. The music industry is what got the era going in the first place. Secondly, the United States government would never allow for such an era to occur again. The Disco Era will always play a very important role in the history of the United States and will forever live on in spirit.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Korean American :: essays research papers

â€Å"The Korean Experience in America, 1903 – 1924† The Korean experience in America during the years 1903 to 1924 is very unique. When compared to other East Asian immigrants, Korean immigrants were relatively small. Most of them were students and agricultural laborers who emigrated to Hawaii as plantation laborers. Many of them decided to come to America due to constant invasion by Japan and also to earn lot of money. Those immigrants happen to be an important factor on Korean history. During the years 1903–1905, 7226 immigrants came to Hawaii. These immigrants hoped to earn enough money in 3 or 4 years and open a business in their homeland. Of the 7,226 immigrants, roughly 6000 were male adults, 600 were women, and 500 children. Just about 60% of them stayed and rest went back to Korea or moved to the continental United States. Within less than a decade, the Korean immigrants found themselves in danger of losing their homeland to Japan. This would mean that they wouldn’t have their own country to go back to. In 1910, Japanese took over Korea. That’s when many Korean immigrants started to get involved in the Korean independence movement. After nine years of Japanese Annexation of Korea in 1910, around 540 student were admitted for study at American schools. Most of these students were political refugees so they became an addition to the Korean community. Korean immigrants started to form anti-Japanese programs to free their country. This was a great concern to Japan. Japanese government decided to grant Korean women who were willing to move to America as marriage contracts to calm Korean immigrants from contributing to anti-Japanese programs. This decision didn’t change Korean immigrants from involving in Korean independence movement but made them more desperate to get their country back for their daughters and sons. By the time 1915 – 1920, Korean immigrants made enough money to start small business like laundry, barber, restaurant, shoe repair services, and so on. This meant that they were able to donate more to political activities. Korean immigrants built school for their children and churches. Korean immigrants were getting settled in America. They even had Korean newspapers to tell people what was going on with Korea. On the other hand, Korean political activists started to rise to start a movement, like Syngman Rhee, An Chang-ho and Pak Yong-man. These leaders tried to free Korea by trying to attract the attention and support of the American public.